You can contribute towards the church in several ways no matter how much you donate:
If you pay tax:
You can complete a gift aid declaration form and use our weekly brown envelopes to put into the collection.
If you forget your envelope don’t worry, just put your donation into an envelope that can be found in the back of the church pews. All you need to do is put your name and address and the date of the donation and the stewards will do the rest.
If you don’t pay tax:
You can put any amount of money in the service collection plate.
If you prefer, you can make a regular payment direct to the church from your bank account of any amount whether you are a tax payer or not.
If you do donate under gift aid, you need to pay at least a quarter of your donation in tax. So if you donate £100 over the whole year, you will need to have paid at least £25 in tax to HMRC.
The Methodist church is a registered charity so we can claim gift aid on all donations from tax payers if the names, address and amount are provided. We can also claim gift aid on any small change donated up to £5000. This includes donations for tea and coffee after the service, the brigade breakfasts where a donation is kindly provided or any other item where there is no fee or charge but a small donation is given.
I will be in church handing out the brown gift aid envelopes during October so please come and see me if you use these for the collection or if you would like to know more about the different ways to donate please come and talk to me.
Thank you
Sarah Mullholland