Dear Friends
We have come to the last item in our exploration of the theme ‘Day by Day – exploring the rhythm of mission and discipleship’. We have considered ‘Pray’, ‘Read and Reflect’, ‘Give thanks’, and now end with:
‘Keep Silence’
I am writing this the morning after our Starbeck ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ event, a ‘global wave of prayer’, during the time between Ascension and Pentecost. Hosted by Starbeck Methodists, Life Destiny Church and St Andrew’s, we gathered together to pray that families, friends and neighbours come to know Jesus Christ.
If you were unable to come, you missed a great evening – I can only describe it as a ‘Spirit filled’ time of worship and prayer. We tend to think of prayer as being a time of silence – and it can be – but last night showed that it can also be the complete opposite; it was exciting! We shared in fellowship over coffee and a chatter, worship with the band, corporate prayer and teaching, followed by just under an hour of prayer stations. There was a lot of creativity in art and beadwork, reflective activities, praying aloud, ‘tasting prayers’, Bible group, and if you wanted complete silence we used the church lounge with a water fountain and candles, Bibles, and the prayer book. And there was news of a new Churches Together Alpha course coming up (watch this space).
‘Keeping silence’ is about coming to God in prayer, reading scripture, being aware of his presence and listening for what God may be saying to you. Prayer can be corporate (all of us praying together), which can be very powerful, and it is also personal; a personal relationship between you and God. It may take some time to find out how best to pray and what works for you.
So, I invite you to explore prayer: creatively with art, sitting quietly with a Bible, hymn book, or devotional book, prayerful music through classical, traditional or contemporary worship songs and hymns, or a nature walk, a prayer walk around the town. In whatever you choose to do, be with God, spend time in God’s presence, talk to Jesus, let the power of the Holy Spirit breathe upon you.
For further resources look at www.thykingdomcome.global
In the words of the ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ song, by Pete James and Harvey Jessop (also on the website): “we are watching, we are waiting, we are hoping, we are praying, we’re believing, let your kingdom come.
Father in heaven, your name is holy
Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory, God of salvation, unfold your story
Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever, Amen.”
(see Matthew 6: 8-10)
God bless,
The booklet ‘Day by day’ is available from The Methodist Church (www.mph.org.uk or 0845 07 8220) and can be downloaded from the Methodist Church website Methodist.org.uk (see ‘Prayer and Worship’ tab, then ‘Day by Day’).