Well summer went by in the blink in eye!!
Summer Camp was a cracking experience. We revisited Kirkham this year, ready to enjoy a lovely week. We started on the Saturday, with putting up tents, which I am delighted to say that this year happened a lot faster than last year (thankfully). We had a massively busy program and it kicked off at great speed. Activities included archery, sports, pleasure beach, drop and find, night games and caving to name a few. As well as all of the activities, the week has a fellowship and devotions element, which this year was focused on God’s promises to us, that we are Gifted, Free, Forgiven and have Purpose, Value and hope, these sessions were all delivered differently which encouraged active discussion.
Small news for those who don’t know, Vicki and Mark got engaged during Brigade Camp! Thank you for all of the congratulations and well wishes we’ve received!
Before we knew it, we were on our way home with a bus full of asleep children (always a good sign). So we’re back to planning for sessions, in early September. Our first night back was a hive of noise and activity, it’s a real joy to hear the hall full of young people having fun.
We are now back, but we need new members especially looking for young people under the age of 11. This section is where the journey begins and it is a hub of energy and excitement – well worth giving a try – please help us to grow. If you know a young person between the ages of 4 and 17 who would enjoy being a member of Boys’ or Girls’ Brigade please tell them more about us and encourage them to come down or contact us by email: thebrigades@hotmail.co.uk.
If you know of an opportunity for us to promote The Brigades either by putting up posters or attending events please let us know. Together let’s see our Brigades grow and develop.
Finally do you have a skill or an idea for a session? We are constantly on the lookout for new ideas and new activities that we can try. If you have something or can think of something that you think a young person would enjoy, please come and talk to us. You might want to come down and demonstrate something for an evening, or even just point us in the direction of an activity or resource- all help is appreciated.
The Brigades