
Mondays (term time) 5.30-6.30pm
Contact: Jo Huddart


Mondays term time 6.15-7.30pm
Contact: Jo Huddart


Thursdays term time 7-8:30pm
Contact: Elena Foster

Table Tennis

Mondays & Thursdays at 9.30am
Contact: Russell Gregory


Thursdays at 2pm
Contact: Ken Redshaw Tel: 01423 540724

Boys & Girls Brigade

Fridays term time 6-7.15pm (4-8 yrs), 6.45-8.15pm (8-11 yrs), 6.45-9pm (11+ )
Contact: Mark & Vicki Wheatley

Project B

1st & 3rd Sundays of the month (except school summer holidays) 7-9pm
Contact: Dave Clark

Knit & Natter

1st & 3rd Monday of the month (not on bank holidays) at 1.30pm
Contact: Mollie Dean

Lunch Club

A 2-course meal for seniors. Price is £6.00. Takes place on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 12 noon. Please come and join us. (No meals during August)
Contact: Pauline Mulholland. Tel: 01423 770524.

Dad’s Group

Dads & kids stay & play.
Every 1st Saturday of the month from 10-11:30am. All children welcome
Contact: Mark Wheatley Email: dads@starbeckmethodistchurch.org.uk