Looking out of my window, I see from the bushes opposite that there is a slight breeze, a rustle through the leaves. I can also see a lot of activity. There is something in the air. At first glance, it looks like a swarm of flies, all moving about in different directions. But ‘they’ are thicker, whiter… a bit of summer snow… in the form of pollen. Little clumps of seeds all swirling around, looking for a place to rest, to reseed. And they are doing – so much for trying to keep the lawn clear of dandelion clocks!
As I write this, we’re approaching Pentecost (4 June), a celebration of the birth of the church (see Acts 2). The swirling pollen reminds me of the work of the Holy Spirit. God’s presence is always around us, inviting us to respond. As we do, the Holy Spirit works within us and begins to reseed, growing the ‘fruits of the spirit’ love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5: 22).
Also in June we celebrate our church anniversary, the ‘birthday’ of Starbeck Methodist Church, a time of celebration and also one of reflection. Paul tells us that “if we live by the Spirit, let us be guided by the Spirit” (5:25). The Holy Spirit moves and guides us in different ways within the life of the church and sometimes we need to be courageous and be able to change or adapt. Just as the pollen seeds can find crevices in which it takes root, so does the Holy Spirit encourage us to ‘fill the gaps’ and try something new, letting God’s work reseed in ways we have not tried before.
The Leadership Team is planning an ‘away day’ on 30 September, to pray and reflect on the different areas of life within our church. If you would like to join us please let us know (details are to follow). It may be an opportunity to reflect on the life of the church and how our discipleship and spirituality may be guided and developed.
May the Holy Spirit be visible and present in our lives.
God bless